Give your input on how to spend $25 million in the consolidation plan. Make a difference in your community’s future by sharing your ideas now!
The Consolidated Plan, or ConPlan, is a five-year plan that entitlement jurisdictions must produce in order to receive federal funding distributed via formula grant programs by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The plan is intended to align and focus funding from HUD grant programs on the City’s unmet needs. HUD also requires all entitlement jurisdictions to submit action plans and performance reports on an annual basis which track how the city is progressing towards the goals set forth in the consolidated plan.
Each year, the City of St. Louis receives roughly $25M in formula funding through four programs: Community Development Block Grants (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME), Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA), and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG). All formula grant funds must be deployed to meet one of HUD’s three national objectives: serving low to moderate-income households, eliminating slum and blight, and responding to urgent needs.
Help Shape the Consolidated Plan
How would you allocate $25 million of annual federal funds from HUD to enhance St. Louis? Your input is more than just survey answers! It’s a crucial metric, a tool for setting priorities that drive community transformation.
For example:
Affordable Housing: What should the city prioritize with approximately $25 million in annual funding? Rehabilitations, new builds, historic preservation, missing middle, senior housing, or affordable rental developments? How can we improve access to safe and affordable housing in St. Louis?
Economic Development: Should we focus on small business assistance, job creation, workforce training to stimulate economic growth, or something new?
Public Services: What public services are most crucial to St. Louis’ needs? Mental health, childcare, transportation—where should resources be directed? What types of public infrastructure improvements should we prioritize?
Neighborhood Revitalization: How should we address the issue of vacant properties? Through stabilization, demolition, or green space development? Which social support services need more funding to better serve our community?
#ConsolidationPlan #CommunityDevelopment #BudgetAllocation