August 22, 2022
Brandon Sterling, Board President
On Saturday August 27th, from 1-6pm, the “Think Big Shop Small” Delmar Black Business Expo will offer hundreds of unique products and services to shoppers, as well as support and mentorship to current and aspiring entrepreneurs, in celebration of Black Business Month.
The expo will take place both indoors and outdoors along Delmar Boulevard, beginning at AAA Fish House (5816 Delmar). Over 60 vendors in booths and 30 Delmar businesses will be offering their unique goods and services. Shoppers can support Black Businesses while eating delicious food, browsing special one-of-a-kind wearables, and exploring personalized services (and also win PRIZES! Check the website for details). Black Business Bus tours organized by Oh Buy The Way will also bring visitors to Black-owned businesses located in Downtown St. Louis and in Dutchtown.
To support entrepreneurs and local businesses, the Expo will be presenting a panel discussion at STL Artworks, 5959 Delmar Blvd at 1PM. The discussion will feature top leaders and mentors in the St. Louis business community including founder of Pure Vibes and 2021 Forbes Next 1000 recipient, Tiffany Wesley and Maureen Brinkley, District Director of St. Louis Small Business Administration. Learn more about “Starting and Sustaining Your Black Business.”
The event is organized by Delmar Main Street, and presented by Mastercard. More info can be found on their website The Delmar Main Street (DMS) mission is to provide educational and charitable resources to promote, strengthen and revitalize a diverse commercial and housing corridor on Delmar Boulevard in the City of St. Louis, from Rosedale Avenue to Taylor Avenue, while preserving its historic character.