Housing Resources
The housing resources listed below are grouped by types of housing-related needs. See the list below and click the link to go directly to that part of the list.
- Affordable Housing Information
- Disabled Housing Subsidies and Disability Support
- Recovery Support Housing
- Federal Housing Subsidies (Section 8, etc.) for Low-Income Households
- Rural Housing Assistance
- Resources for Persons Required to Register as Sex Offenders
- Reentry Housing
- General Assistance (housing, utilities)
- Legal Protection and Legal Assistance with Housing Issues
Coordinated Entry
If you are homeless or in need of housing assistance, visit the Web site of the Missouri Interagency Council on Homelessness to see a directory of Missouri agencies that can provide an assessment and resources (updated 1/26/2023).
DMH Rental Assistance Program (RAP)
The Dept. of Mental Health has a state-funded program called the Rental Assistance Program (RAP) that can provide one-time assistance to prevent homelessness or help you move into safer and more secure rental housing. RAP can assist with late rent, late utilities, and move-in costs such as security deposits, first month’s rent, and utility deposits.
To qualify:
- You or someone you live with must be getting behavioral health support services from a community behavioral health agency that bills DMH for those services (click here for a list of those agencies). This person can be an adult or a child.
- You or your household must be experiencing a housing crisis that puts you at risk of eviction, such as being late on rent and/or utilities because of income loss; or your current housing is substandard or otherwise poses a risk to your physical and/or mental health (this could include overcrowded housing, living with active substance users, or is simply unaffordable).
- You must have enough household income to rent on your own after DMH provides assistance. Having a permanent rent subsidy such as Section 8 can be considered a substitute for income.
Please see the DMH RAP web page for complete program information and funding status. This page also has a list of other similar resources that may be able to help when RAP doesn’t have funds available.
Community Mental Health Centers
Community mental health centers are agencies that contract with DMH to provide psychiatric services and alcohol and substance use treatment services (also known collectively as behavioral health services). Many of these agencies over the past several years have also become housing providers for people in need of these types of services.
Each agency who is a housing provider has its own set of eligibility criteria. For a list of these agencies, please see the web site of the Missouri Coalition for Community Behavioral Healthcare.
Affordable Housing Information
- MHDC Missouri Affordable Housing Locator
- HUD Resource Locator — this is an interactive map of housing resources nationwide. Scroll or zoom into Missouri on the map to better pinpoint the location you’re interested in. Click the icon at the upper left of the screen to display the various filter options built into the map. The map can display HUD offices (Headquarters, regional, and field offices); Public Housing Authorities; Multifamily properties offering rentals for low-income, elderly, and special needs populations; federal Low Income Housing Tax Credit properties; USDA Rural Housing rentals; public housing buildings and developments; and Continuum of Care areas with their main contacts (use to find out about local homeless resources). You can also type in a city name or zip code in the search bar at the top of the screen, which will show all resources for that area.
- LowIncomeHousing.us–a search site for all subsidized apartments and housing authorities. Search initially by zip code then check specific cities listed nearby to that zip code.
Disabled Housing Subsidies and Disability Support
- Social Security Administration (SSA) Online Tool for People Interested in Applying for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) – Click the link to access an online tool to apply for SSI and other benefits. The process takes only 5-10 minutes and asks for basic information about the person who wants to apply for SSI.
- Missouri Non-Elderly Disabled (NED) Voucher Directory – DMH Housing maintains a directory of Missouri Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) that have Non-Elderly Disabled (NED) vouchers available. These housing vouchers are similar to Housing Choice Vouchers (also known as Section 8) but are specifically for households where the Head of Household is under the age of 62 and has a disability.
- Centers for Independent Living – The Centers for Independent Living (CIL’s) are located throughout Missouri and help people with disabilities achieve greater independence in their daily lives through community-based support. Their activities include helping people with disabilities find housing appropriate to their needs. Click the link below for a complete list of the Missouri Centers for Independent Living.
- Midwest Special Needs Trust – The Midwest Special Needs Trust is a Missouri 501(c)(3) established by state statute in 1989 to assist people with disabilities. Through its Charitable Trust, MSNT provides, on an ongoing basis, grants to cover a wide range of needs, many of which are housing-related. These can include grants for assistive technology such as the construction of wheelchair ramps. Applicants must be U.S. citizens, Missouri residents, and considered disabled by the Social Security Administration.
- Missouri Inclusive Housing Development Corporation – Information and assistance for persons with disabilities seeking home ownership and affordable renting.
- Reasonable Accommodation for Assistance Animals – This HUD video presents information of interest to tenants with disabilities and housing providers regarding compliance with fair housing laws around accommodation of assistance animals.
Recovery Support Housing
- Missouri Coalition of Recovery Support Providers – The Missouri Coalition of Recovery Support Providers (MCRSP) is a statewide organization that has undertaken to provide greater access to and oversight of badly needed recovery support housing resources. One of the most critical needs of people in recovery from substance use disorders is housing support. MCRSP maintains a list of accredited recovery residences on its Web site.
- National Alliance for Recovery Residences – The National Alliance for Recovery Residences (NARR) sets standards for safety and care for recovery residences nationally. MCRSP is an affiliate of NARR, and as such has adopted standards and an accreditation process to recognize recovery residences in Missouri that meet national standards for safety and standards of care.
Federal Housing Subsidies (Section 8, etc.) for Low-Income Households
- Public Housing Agencies – Many cities and towns in Missouri have Public Housing Agencies (PHA’s). These agencies administer federally funded low-income housing in their towns or counties; some also own their own affordable rental properties to rent to area residents who cannot afford the normal rents in the area. Most PHA’s also administer the federal Housing Choice Voucher Program, commonly known as Section 8. If you cannot find affordable housing on your own, or wish to apply for Section 8 housing, your local Public Housing Agency may be able to help. Click the link below to see a list of all the PHA’s in Missouri. In some cases, your local Community Action Agency office will also be your Public Housing Agency.
Rural Housing Assistance
Resources for Persons Required to Register as Sex Offenders
Once Fallen – Once Fallen is a resource site for ‘Registered Citizens,’ i.e., those convicted of registrable sex offenses. Finding rental housing for persons required to register is a difficult issue that makes finding stable housing very challenging, even with a subsidy in hand. Although the site is primarily focused on advocacy and research, it has a section devoted to finding housing, among numerous other resources, as well as a state-specific list of housing resources (the one provided for Missouri is the DOC version of the Reentry Housing Resources Map found at the DMH housing portal page; see below).
Reentry Housing
DMH/DOC Reentry Housing Resources Map – The Department of Mental Health, Department of Corrections and the Missouri Interagency Council on Homelessness, collaborated to create an interactive map of housing resources in Missouri for people reentering the community from incarceration. The map is an ongoing process to collect information about every program in Missouri that provides permanent housing, transitional housing, and emergency shelter, and so can also be used to locate resources for persons experiencing homelessness generally.
The map’s search function is county-based. To find resources, choose the appropriate county by clicking on the map or choose a county from the drop-down menu in the lower left corner. Choosing a county shows all the resources entered for that county. You can limit the results to programs most appropriate to your needs by clicking boxes in the list on the right. For instance, limit your search to programs for women only by clicking the “Serves females only” box.
General Assistance
Community Action Agencies – Missouri has 19 Community Action Agencies (CAA’s), and most counties have at least one CAA office. Community Action Agencies are dedicated to fighting the causes as well as the effects of poverty. Many of them can help pay rent or energy bills, and many operate their own low-cost housing programs that include housing for people experiencing homelessness. Many more have money to use for home repairs that must be made in order to avoid having your home condemned. If you are in danger of losing your home, getting evicted, or having your power shut off, contact your local CAA to see if they can help.
Legal Protection and Legal Assistance with Housing Issues
- Missouri Tenant Help–a service of Missouri Legal Services, this is a tenant self-help web site that helps you create your own legal documents to fight an eviction.
- Missouri Housing Resources–a service of the Missouri Housing Development Commission, this site provides resources on eviction and other legal services, foreclosure, and homelessness resources.
- Missouri Legal Services – Missouri Legal Services consists of four legal aid programs that collectively provide free legal services to low-income persons and households throughout Missouri—generally households at or below 125% of the federal poverty guideline. The four programs are Legal Services of Southern Missouri, Mid-Missouri Legal Services, Legal Aid of Western Missouri, and Legal Services of Eastern Missouri. Each program is linked at the Missouri Legal Services’ home web page; for their respective service areas, see the map linked at the bottom of this page. If you need legal services related to an eviction or foreclosure, you may be able to get free legal aid from the appropriate program.
- Missouri Protection and Advocacy Services – MO P&A provides legal advice and representation for persons with disabilities. The agency’s services are mandated by federal law and provide legal services and advocacy for people in several disability-related situations, including those with developmental disabilities, mental illness, traumatic brain injury, and persons receiving Social Security disability income. They also provide a variety of services in areas where disabled persons experience obstacles, such as voting, employment, and assistive technology.
- Missouri’s Landlord-Tenant Law – A brief summary of Missouri statutes related to landlord-tenant law, published by the Office of the Missouri Attorney General. Anyone who rents in Missouri should have this publication so they know what their rights and duties are under state law.