Exploring the deep motivations and impacts behind pursuing a career in public service.

Articulated Insight – “News, Race and Culture in the Information Age”

President John F. Kennedy uttered 17 words in his inaugural address that still inspires Americans to serve their country 64 years later.
“Ask not what your country can do for you,” Kennedy said. “Ask what you can do for your country.”
The line is a call to action for Americans to contribute to the public good.
Say what you want about former President Joe Biden: he was too old to be reelected. Others believe that if he had stepped down earlier, before his poor debate performance, former Vice President Kamala Harris would be in the Oval Office today, not reflecting on her loss at home in California.
Then, many – 77 million to be exact – did not believe in the Biden-Harris vision of America and chose a vastly different direction for the country.
Yet, no one can deny that on Jan. 20, Biden concluded a distinguished public service career. Indeed, public service was a calling for him, whether as a member of the U.S. Senate for 36 years, vice president to President Barack Obama for eight, and president for four.
While in the White House, he made progress on several domestic fronts, including tackling big pharma, addressing the climate crisis, building a fairer tax system, and increasing housing for Americans.
On his last full day as president, Biden pardoned the late civil rights leader Marcus Garvey, which this publication encouraged him to do in a Dec. 31 editorial.
Thank you, President Biden. Your dedication to the public good in general, and your presidency in particular, will undoubtedly be well-received in the annals of American history.
And for those currently engaged in public service who may be discouraged by the 2024 election results or young people considering such careers who are questioning its value, may we all continue to be inspired by the words of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
“Everybody can be great,” King said, “because everybody can serve.”
King understood that service, sacrifice, and understanding of our interconnectedness are necessary to improve the world.
Keywords: Public Service, Career Calling, Community Impact, Service Dedication, Rewarding Careers
#PublicService #CommunityImpact #CareerCalling
Public Service Career Calling