About the Event:
The fight for reproductive freedom begins in Missouri, and we cannot sit back. Cori will be leading rallies and voter registration efforts across the stateāalongside partner organizations, grassroots organizers, and the Missouri Democratic State Partyāto send a direct message to people in every corner of the country that we are the pro-human rights, pro-bodily autonomy, pro-reproductive freedom party fighting to protect and expand fundamental rights for all.
Join Cori, grassroots organizers, and your community on the Roe the Vote: Reproductive Freedom Tour as we rally for reproductive freedom and register folks to vote!
Have accessibility questions? Reply to your registration email to confirm your requirements or request more information.
Contact the team: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?fs=1&tf=cm&source=mailto&su=Question+about+%E2%80%9CRoe+the+Vote+-+STL+City%E2%80%9D&to=adrastos@coribush.org&body=Hello+Cori+Bush+for+Congress,%0AI+have+a+question+about%E2%80%A6%