Learn how Spirits Joy Foundation turns pain into purpose through their impactful work in empowering communities and making a positive impact.

Spirit’s Joy Foundation was founded by James A. Dickerson in memory of his beloved daughter, Spirit C Butler. The non-profit was created to educate and to spread the word about suicide prevention.
Spirit was a loving, intelligent, and energetic teenage girl who suffered from the effects of bullying and cyberbullying from her classmates. She constantly dealt with physical bullying in school, including one incident that was recorded. Sadly, the altercation was shared online and viewed quickly by many causing irreversible damage.
The constant cyberbullying caused mental and emotional damage resulting in Spirit’s suicide attempt. After being on life support Spirit transitioned on August 25th at the tender age of 14.
James Dickerson is known for his transparency regarding the loss of his daughter and his journey through grief. He openly shares his experiences and ways he combats his sorrow, offering insight and support to others facing similar challenges.
Dickerson emphasizes that there is a bigger issue that needs to be looked at closely. “We live in a hyper-bully culture. There’s a different type of bullying taking place that’s causing us to deal with teen suicides,” Dickerson stated.
Suicide and suicide attempts affect the health and well-being of everyone connected to loved ones. Friends, relatives, co-workers, and the community suffer. Surviving family and friends may experience prolonged grief, shock, anger, guilt, symptoms of depression or anxiety, and even thoughts of suicide themselves.
James has chosen to honor the life of Spirit by combating bullying, cyberbullying, and teen suicide, through Spirit’s Joy Foundation. This will happen by promoting initiatives such as therapeutic activities, Camp Joyful Spirit, the Friendship Rap League, Spirit’s Voices, and cooperative partnerships.
Dickerson reminds us that a child in cyberbullying videos is being humiliated. Anyone who shares anything of a child or adult being humiliated has taken part in cyberbullying. Let’s all do our part in slowing down cyberbullying by simply not sharing.
Transforming the pain and the purpose of suicide by helping others is his life’s mission. Dickerson is driven by a profound commitment to prevent such tragedies and to bring joy to every child who suffers in silence.
If you’re interested in learning more, donating or volunteering, visit Spirit’s Joy Foundation at spiritsjoy.com. You can also follow Spirit’s Joy Foundation on Facebook at Spirit’s Joy Foundation and on Instagram at Spirit’s Joy.

#SpiritsJoyFoundation, #Transformation, #EmpoweringChange