Discover the power of plant-based alternatives and sustainable living in Bruce Friedrich’s TED Talk on the future of food and sustainability.

GFI Executive Director Bruce Friedrich explains how new forms of meat production can help address some of the greatest global challenges of our time.
Articulated Insight – “News, Race and Culture in the Information Age”

How can we fight climate change, mitigate the rise of antibiotic-resistant infections, and produce more food with fewer resources? GFI CEO and founder and 2019 TED Fellow, Bruce Friedrich, explores how plant-based and cultivated meat can solve some of our most pressing global challenges. Spread the word by sharing this talk. This talk is also featured in the TED Radio Hour episode Climate Crisis. Give it a listen!
Why we say “cultivated meat” vs. “cell-based meat”
GFI and Mattson, North America’s most successful independent food and beverage innovation firm, conducted on-going consumer research to determine the best language to help people understand cellular agriculture and its relation to meat production. Though “cell-based meat” is commonly used nomenclature, our research, testing, and analysis indicated “cultivated meat” would be the best fit for neutrality, understandability, and appeal.
#foodsustainability #plantbased #TEDtalk