A Black student was arrested at Winston-Salem State University on Tuesday for not apologizing to a white professor. Dr. Cynthia Villagomez called campus police on Leilla Marie after she declined to revise her final presentation.
The marker stands at the First Baptist Church on Bute Street.
The Harris-Stowe State University Alumni Association held its 20th Annual Brown and Gold Gala at the Norwood Hills Country Club.
After the passing of Inge’s husband in 2015, she decided to move in with her daughter in Raleigh and once again enroll into Shaw University
Macy’s is still managing the shift to the e-commerce era and the increased competition that created.
REPOST from https://www.blackpast.org/ Harris-Stowe University is a historically black college in St. Louis, Missouri. It was also the first public teacher education institution west of the Mississippi River. Harris-Stowe was originally two separate institutions: Harris Teachers College and Stowe Teachers College, which were merged together in 1954 to form Harris Teachers College. The older of the two, Harris Teachers College was created in 1857 by the St. Louis Board of Education to prepare white teachers for white elementary schools. Harris...
Graduates march out of the Cravath Hall building at Fisk University, a privately owned Historically Black College in Nashville, TN. Fisk is one of many schools in our list of hbcus. Photo Courtesy of Fisk University.