When you drive many many miles to this location, which had been a Steak ‘n Shake years ago but shut down. You have to wonder, is it worth the drive or is this a much needed escape from the city?
Lake St Louis, MO is a western suburb of St Louis, and it is fast becoming a hot bed for many black businesses. Several businesses chose the area for it cozy hustle and bustle and thriving economy of St Charles County.
And it is right off the highways leading eastward back to St Louis, so with that you will expect lots of tourist stopping in. I rode with my cousin Shane, who son Clinton and his wife Eboni Stegall are proud new owners of the location.
The decor is very familiar yet comforting to know that Steak ‘n Shake history is evolving back to its old self. We enjoyed a hefty light dinner, which included a huge Steak burger, fries and a delicious chocolate shake.
As I type this, I am pondering hopping in my warm car and driving 45+minutes to grab me another one. In addition, you can order online and pick up your food in minutes.
It is made to order fresh with several smiles indeed. I went to the reviews and saw some mixed emotions.
But even on a good day, you just can’t please everyone. You just have to smile and present.
So,if you are in Lake St Louis, MO, include Eboni and Clinton in your itinerary, by stopping in for a hot meal.
Keep in mind due to new Covid-19 guidelines dining in is still closed.
Steak ‘n Shake:
835 Robert Raymond Drive, Lake St Louis, MO 63367
The Steak ‘n Shake Company is a Biglari Holdings company
Order online https://order.steaknshake.com/