Discover the lives of America’s Black Upper Class in this DW Documentary. Success, wealth, and empowerment in the black community.
In the United States, African-Americans are more likely to live in poverty than any other ethnic group. But despite the country’s institutional racism, a Black elite has found success, thanks to a combination of entrepreneurial thinking and intensive networking within the Black community.
America is home to the biggest group of wealthy, highly successful Black people in the world. One in 50 African-American families are millionaires. Property developer Don Peebles is one of the richest and most powerful businessmen in America. Nicknamed the “Black Trump”, he comes from a working-class background. His estimated net worth is 700 million dollars.
In Atlanta Georgia, the famous and successful real estate agent Tahlia Diaz Brown invites other successful Black businesspeople to a huge party at the city’s most fashionable club. It’s an opportunity for ambitious entrepreneurs to network, strike deals and celebrate their success. In Texas, Psyche Terry and her husband have created a cosmetics empire. They’re invited to every charity event in Dallas. The Buy Black Movement fosters community business and even has its own Black Amazon. #documentary #dwdocumentary
#blackupperclass #wealthsuccess #empowerment