Congresswomen Cori Bush and Rashida Tlaib issue a joint statement in support of South Africa’s case before the International Court of Justice alleging Israel’s violation of the Genocide Convention. They call for an end to the violence and accountability for human rights abuses in the region.

International Court of Justice
Washington D.C. (Jan. 11, 2024) — Congresswoman Cori Bush (MO-01) and Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (MI-12) released the following joint statement amid South Africa’s case against Israel before the International Court of Justice (ICJ).
“We unequivocally join world leaders and international human rights organizations in support of South Africa’s case before the International Court of Justice alleging Israel violated the Genocide Convention.
There must be an end to the violence—and there must be accountability for the blatant human rights abuses and mass atrocities occurring in the region. The historical significance of a post-apartheid state filing this case must not be lost, and the moral weight of their prerogative cannot be dismissed.
The United States has a devastating role in the ongoing violence in Gaza, where already over 23,000 Palestinians have been killed, more than 59,000 injured, and millions have been displaced. We must refuse to be silent as the majority of the world is calling for an end to the violence and mass human suffering, and the need for accountability.
As one of the countries that has agreed to the Genocide Convention, the U.S. must stop trying to discredit and undermine this case and the international legal system it claims to support. Our commitment to protecting the human rights of all people must be unconditional.
The best time to make a conclusive determination on genocide is when there is still time to stop it, not after. We will continue pushing for a lasting ceasefire, full accountability, and a just and lasting peace for everyone.”