Discover Dynasty Media’s innovative indoor digital platform launch targeting African American consumers in St. Louis, blending local culture with technology.

Well noted, that Two of a Kind 2 Lounge, straddling quaintly near north county, has been pouring up the spirits in the city since 1961. But profoundly, for over 11 years, since 2012, the hands that now rocks the cradle, belongs to business man Jesse Washington.
In addition to maintaining his other business ventures and equities, over the years Jesse has leased out the club to many seasoned bar owners.But he stressed the importance of maintaining your own facilities.

“People come and go, and I’d decided after many tries, just to run my own club, my way.” he stated. Two of Kind 2 signed up, just recently to host the digital screen for Dynasty Media, and said it is a pretty cool concept.
Hours of Operation:
Open, Tues, Thurs-Sunday starting at 5pm, and on Sunday it is closed by midnight.
Moreover, Jesse affectionately known as DJ Smooth, and it is very fitting, because he can burn the turntables. I asked him when is his busiest night, and he said Oldie Tuesday, as a result, his patrons come from all over St. Louis, to enjoy oldie music and fine 2 for 1 drinks.
Two of Kind 2, does special events and party bookings, all starting at $125.You can bring your own food, and if requested, they can cater.
Night life as we know it, has come and gone down the long stretch of the bustling Natural Bridge Blvd., heading west into St. Louis county.Yet, you will always find a sparkling cold drink pouring at the legendary Two of a Kind Lounge.
Last,look for Soul Food NFL Sundays this fall.And keep in mind that the club is 30 and up, for only the grown and sexy. Security is always enforced.
Other locations where the DISC system is up and running:
Two of a Kind 2 Lounge
In Da Loop Restaurant
Tripe City
Heartland St. Louis Black Chamber of Commerce
Mom’s Soul Food
Delta Epsilon Foundation Foundation
Omega Center
Tapers Barber and Beauty Salon
Your Place Bar and Grill
Gwen’s Restaurant East St. Louis
Riverview West Florissant Development Corporation
Ladies of Elegance Salon & Spa/Ryze Manufacturing
NAACP St. Louis County
Annie Malone Children’s Home
For more information, about DISC, visit
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