Fusion 314 is a new entertainment option for St. Louis residents, bringing esports to a community of fans. This article explores the impact of this new choice for entertainment in the city.
The city of Florissant, one of St. Louis’ bustling suburban perimeters brings us Fusion 314 Esport Facility.

A new player in the esports game, Fusion 314, Images courtesy of Fusion 314.
According to the Mayor of Florissant, Fusion 314 Esport Facility is just one month away from opening, and is located inside their James J. Eagan Center. Fusion 314 brings a one-of-a kind recreational and competitive video gaming experience to Florissant and St. Louis. The result of 2 years of collaboration, community input, design, construction, innovation, and implementation, we’re proud to offer this new amenity to all ages, all walks of life.

Moreover, Fusion 314 will be equipped with 20 high powered gaming computers which they built by hand, Secret Lab Titan gaming chairs, 4 Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 5 gaming areas with 65” TVs, colorful lighting, comfortable lounge seating, a concession stand, a table-top board gaming area, and even an old school stand-up Pac-Man & Donkey Kong arcade game.

Remarkably, Fusion 314 is projected to offer open-play to the public, tournaments, leagues, summer and winter camps, computer classes for seniors, party rentals, table-top board gaming and much more.

And just writing this is making the momentum build within me. Florissant is known for its palatial nightlife and dining options, so the Esport industry will redefine the town’s blueprint.
Furtherly, it will place St. Louis within the spotlight of an exciting new nightlife community entertainment era. I did get the opportunity to chat with one of the men in charge and below he had a lot to say.

Fusion 314 represents a new initiative for the city of Florissant to connect with our community. We held a town hall meeting 1 year ago to discuss the possibility of bringing an Esports facility into our community center. The response was an overwhelming YES but one thing was clear:
If we were going to do this, we had to do it better than anyone in St Louis. Fusion 314 is a one-of-a-kind visually stunning Esports Arena with 20 high powered gaming PCs (built by hand by our staff), 4 Nintendo Switches and PS5s on four 65” tvs, custom neon color changing lights, gaming/hero décor, custom artwork, table top gaming on live edge tables, old school stand up arcade games, concessions, comfortable lounge seating and more.
And most importantly, this facility is highly accessible to our public. Our rates for open play are 60-80% lower than industry standards. Programming will include tournaments, camps, party rentals, computer classes, 3D printing, open play and much more. We are projected to open in mid-February and we hope to see you there.
And my name is Steve Weiersmueller. I am the Director of I.T. for the city of Florissant and the project manager for Fusion 314. This facility has been a team effort with many employees and departments within our facility. It is 100% home grown.
Steve WeiersmuellerI.T. DirectorCity of Florissant1055 Rue St. Francois, Florissant, MO 63031 314-830-6055 Office 314-819-3231 Mobile |
In conclusion, I am so excited for these guys, and can’t wait to visit very soon….