Approaching midlife can be scary, especially if you look back over your life and wonder what could’ve happened instead of what you actually did.
So as so many celebrities I’ve grown up with have turned 50 recently, it made me wonder what did I do over my lifetime. With that thought, I decided to create a list of things that I think everyone should do before the age of 50.
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15 Things You Should Do Before You Turn 50
Approaching midlife can be scary, especially if you look back over your life and wonder what could’ve happened instead of what you actually did.
So as so many celebrities I’ve grown up with have turned 50 recently, it made me wonder what did I do over my lifetime. With that thought, I decided to create a list of things that I think everyone should do before the age of 50.
15. Get Lost (For real!)
One thing that makes it scarier is feeling like you haven’t accomplished all the life stuff you set out to do in your teens or 20s.
By now, you may have seen more of other parts of the world than you’ve actually seen of your own hometown because you’ve been a good little Pythagorean and mastered the straight line between A and B and never got beyond point C.
But now is the time to get lost, at least metaphorically. Take that road you’ve never taken. Go to work by bus instead of train. Or get really radical, and walk somewhere. Mix it up. And be sure not to plan too much.
14. Use your passport
Many of us have a passport “just in case,” but instead of waiting to win the lottery or for a lonely millionaire with a yacht to show up on your doorstep, take control of your vacations and book a trip out of the country. And yes, Canada and Mexico count, and will definitely stamp your passport. Or consider going to the place you always dreamed of as a child or the country of your ancestors.
13. Get a new hobby (again)!
Ok, so you probably have a collection of these shoes and comic books, or like to do certain activities over and over again and that’s great, but what about something new? It’s time to see if you like doing something else continuously. What else out there might bring you joy? Find out just by seeing what other people’s hobbies are and then trying them for yourself.
12. Wear that outfit, no matter what anybody says
We unconsciously do things by thinking about what other people think. Like when we buy or try on clothes, we usually have this thought in mind: “What will people think or say when I wear this?” Well, at age 50 it’s time to do it if you like it! So what if they talk?! Live your best life and that includes wearing something that brings joy to you and nobody else.
11. Write a will
No one wants to think about death but Newsflash: It’s gonna happen. Probably not today and hopefully not soon but death comes for everyone eventually. And when it does, do you want your kids’ most poignant memory of that time to be the gigantic fight over your collection of rare pickle jars? So sit down, write up a will allocating the important stuff, sign it (preferably in the presence of a notary), and then tell everyone you care about where it is.
10. Fight for something you believe in
It’s time. Time to stop sitting on the sidelines and wondering “What if?” It’s time to do more than just post a picture on social media or just say that you’re praying for some cause. It’s time to do something about it. Go go, write that senator a letter, demand change from your city councilmen and women, and find out how you can make a change in your community. You ARE an agent of change, so let’s do something.