Celebrate the top models and latest fashion trends in St. Louis with the April issue of St. Louis ARGUS, featuring the beautiful and diverse Destiny Nash.

The Very Latest in the Gateway City’s Fashion Trends!
St. Louis ARGUS wants to pay respect to the models of the month for April. First and foremost, we have the amazing Destiny Nash… not only is she beautiful and brown, but that face wins every time.

Next we come to our male model of the month, Tyler Davis… talent is an understatement with him. He is a chef, an amazing artist, musician and a runway model.

Our child model this monthy is Codi Devitt, with a wealth of beauty and personality at the tender age of 4 years old (we love the babies!) Be blessed, ARGUS readers!
#StLouisFashion, #ModelsoftheMonth, #SpringStyle