Discover how BOSS Impact Fund is empowering Black women entrepreneurs and promoting diversity and inclusion in business. Learn about their funding opportunities and impact on the world.

The BOSS Network has been committed to supporting Black women in business for over a decade, with resources to help them grow and access to a community of like-minded women.
Less than 1% of minority founders get investment funding for the start of their small business. The BOSS Network aims to tackle the issue by providing grants for Black women entrepreneurs and access to a 1-year mentorship program, to assist in their business growth.
BOSS Impact Fund is a program by The BOSS Network, that focuses on investing in Black women led businesses and preparing these entrepreneurs to build scalable, growth aggressive companies. Black female founders make up less than 1% of businesses that receive venture capital, and many are not prepared to pitch to investors. Our goal through access to capital and entrepreneurial mentorship is to provide Black female founders a chance to even the playing field and grow successful companies. Through the BOSS Impact Fund, we can accomplish our goal of grant funding for 500+ Black women entrepreneurs, over the next three years.
BOSS Business University is a digital platform where we will provide comprehensive mentorship programming, through industry business experts. Every Black female founder that applies will have access to monthly training, workshops, and coaching opportunities. Each grant recipient will receive access to a one-year mentoring program, through our BOSS Business University and gain additional support to help them become successful entrepreneurs. Our long-term focus is to assist Black female entrepreneurs in having a solid business model, that they can use to pitch for investor financing or business growth.
Become a partner and you will assist us in providing grant recipients with:
- Financial investment in Black women entrepreneurs
- Mentorship program with successful business industry experts
- Marketing and support to promote their business
- Business resources from our partners and so much more…
.#BOSSImpactFund #BlackWomenEntrepreneurs #BusinessDevelopment