Join the journey through the Bible in eleven months, encouraging readers to dig deeper and discover biblical truths for themselves.

Travelers may not always know where a journey will lead. But author Carrie Carter hopes that as readers take a trek through the pages of her debut book, the experience will deliver them to the destination that’s meant to be – to a deeper relationship with God and a richer understanding of Him through the written Word.
From Genesis to Revelation, Carter’s book, Journey Through the Bible in Eleven Months, takes readers on an expedition through the 66 books of the Bible – 39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament.
The book, considered a reading program, captures the themes of the Bible – creation, provisions, judgment, deliverance, His covenant, salvation, and promises. Journey Through the Bible in Eleven Months is a detailed study, an exploration of the scriptures intertwined with meaningful prayers, personal narratives, and poems.
“The added insights, for example, include little snippets of my life before I got saved. I didn’t grow up in church,” she says. “These countless treasures are there to provide the reader with motivation and encouragement along their journey of reading the bible.”
As worshippers absorb the preached word in church, Carter believes her book will assist in delivering personal spiritual growth and enrichment through the examination of the scriptures.
“I want readers to know for themselves,” Carter says. “When we read the Bible for ourselves, we become more equipped. I’ve always been an avid reader. I want God’s people to read and study God’s written Word. I believe that we all should read through the Bible once a year.”
The “Journey” begins with a reading schedule to help the reader navigate and accomplish the goal of reading through the Bible in eleven months. After reading each book, included are questions to test readers’ knowledge of what they have learned. “Journey” is for the seasoned Bible reader, the “babe in Christ” and everyone in between.
Just as God rested on the seventh day, Carter invites the reader to “rest, relax, and reflect on the seventh day of each week.”
The book just didn’t pop up overnight. It was years in the making through personal heartbreak, COVID-19, and countless revisions by the publisher and editors at Million Words Publishing.
A former Christian education director at a Baptist church, in 2002, Carter began searching for a bible reading program, but none fit her criteria. She decided then to develop a program that she believed God was leading her to create.
Carter experienced discouragement at the launch of the reading program when members of a church didn’t embrace it as she expected. “At the end of the program, not too many people made it there,” she recalls.
Setbacks notwithstanding, Carter kept working on the program with the gentle tug of the Holy Spirit. “The Lord kept impressing on me, ‘Finish the book.’”
Fast forward 16 years later, Journey Through the Bible in Eleven Months, with still in a slow development stage, tragedy hit. Her husband, Douglas Carter, suddenly died in their home.
“It was a surreal day the day before he died as I couldn’t concentrate on the program as if something was holding me back; Something was wrong,” she vividly recalls. “I always had to wake up early as I had to go to my job as well as work on developing the program. The next day, I found my husband lying across the bed. He had had a heart attack.”
That was 2018. “In 2019, now here come Covid and another delay,” she says. “I said ‘Lord, what should I do with this? I heard that still, small voice within me say ‘Get it done.’”
Two years passed. Still not finished. But that was when she connected with Alice Johnson, the owner and publisher at Million Words Publishing. This Christian-based publishing company assists authors, entertainers, companies, corporations, and churches in publishing and producing their work.
Changes were made to the way Carter had written her book. Rewrites. Revision. Edits. All the things publishers and editors do.
“Alice and I went round and round and round,” says Carter, with a smile. “You got to cut it down. It’s too long. You got to do this, you got to do that.
“I’m not doing this,” Carter remembers saying to herself. “But the Lord said, ‘Yes you are!’”
Carter, 63, a mother of three with 10 grandchildren and 4.5 great-grandchildren (one is still in the making), finally crossed the finish line. Journey Through the Bible in Eleven Months was published in this past January.
Why 11 months? “Most people like to start reading the Bible in January,” she says “By the time December comes around, everything gets very hectic, as we hold this time of the year as precious to us. But this study is designed to start at any time of the year.”
Million Words Publishing is presenting a book signing event for Carter and her book at New Hope Church, 1651 Redman Rd., St. Louis, MO 63138, on March 16, 2024.
Journey Through the Bible in Eleven Months is also available at Barnes & Noble, on Amazon, and on the Million Words Publishing website.

#BibleStudy #FaithJourney #Christianity