The month of October is special to farmers all across the country. October 12th is National Farmer’s Day and since that day fell on Thursday many farmers hosted their harvest celebrations on Saturday the 14th which was the case of two Black owned farms in St. Louis. Solidarity Economy STL sponsored a tour of two Black Owned Farms: Phi Global LLC and Rustic Roots Sanctuary.
This farm tour is a gem because it is a chance to visit Black-owned farms and learn about the many facets of agriculture and how important farming is to the earth and the community. Some examples include improving soil health, compositing/vermicompositing, cover crops and managing animal waste and livestock.
The farm tour is a family friendly event and a shuttle bus was available for people who didn’t have their own transportation or for drivers who didn’t want to drive but instead take the shuttle for a full immersion experience. The shuttle bus departed from Jubilee Community Church at 1:30 pm and at 5:30 pm. Jubilee Community Church is located at 4231 N. Grand Blvd. They also have their own spacious community garden located in the rear of the church.
The Black Owned Farm Tour part 6 featured two farms: Phi Global Farms and Rustic Roots Sanctuary. Founded in 2018 by Mitchell D. Pearson, Phi Global LLC is a 13 acre urban farm located in Spanish Lake Missouri. Phi Global’s mission statement is: “end poverty, promote health and wellness.” Phi Global uses agricultural based educational systems to promote their mission. They are committed to serving the St. Louis community and beyond. Their website is:
Rustic Roots Sanctuary is a sustainable farm with an organic garden which grows local whole foods. Rustic Roots mission is to create access to fresh organic local food, teach sustainability, and to help individuals and communities through holistic health. By celebrating the end of the growing season Rustic Roots Sanctuary sponsored an event called “Fall Harvest Festival” which is their largest public event of the year. They had live music, a children’s reading circle, food vendors and their own chefs Kwaku Gilliam and Chef Rona Leah whom prepared the farm to table food. Their website is:
Solidarity Economy St. Louis provided the farm tour and they are a network of groups and individuals striving to build and grow a “solidarity economy” which is an economy that embodies justice, sustainability, self-determination and cooperation while resisting the notion of “every person for themselves.” Their website is: