Breaking, and you might be the first to read this. Because as we publish it, I am sure someone and dancing in the night, saying St Louis I told you so. Read on!
Please see below for my official statement calling on President Reed to resign:
June 6, 2022 I was extremely disappointed by the news that the President and Vice President of the St. Louis Board of Aldermen have been indicted. These charges and accusations are serious. The conversations captured on the tapes are damning. After reading the indictment many times over the weekend, and hearing from many of my constituents and colleagues, I believe that President Lewis Reed must resign immediately. The charges and accusations call into question every bill for every tax incentive ever signed by President Reed. President Reed’s conversations recorded on the tapes call into question the most basic operations of the Board of Aldermen, including redistricting. Taken together, the charges and the conversations threaten the legitimacy of the entire legislative process. With such severe accusations it is not possible for President Reed to fulfill the duties of his job. President Reed has forfeited the trust of his colleagues on the Board of Aldermen and of the residents of our City. President Reed must resign immediately. The charges and accusations in the indictment are not a complete surprise. I have been calling out concerns about the lack of transparency and insider politics played with regard to our tax incentive system since being elected to the Board of Aldermen. It is clear that any system that allows for these types of alleged crimes to occur is a broken system. We must completely re-think our tax incentive process to create one that is transparent and acts in the public interest, both for the sake of our public schools, who are biggest losers when taxes are unnecessarily abated, and for the other essential services that the taxes fund.” |
In solidarity, |