Join this expansive Zoom recording as we connect the dots from past to present, tracing the history of Juneteenth from 1865 to present-day post-Ferguson social justice work in St. Louis.

I am humbled, and honored to receive the artifacts and historic clippings from the late Rev. Dr. John Nelson Doggett’s son Bill Doggett. Upon their arrival, I will be sharing with the readers very soon. In the meantime, check out a video sent in from his son.
HONORING my father’s 106th birthday in heaven…Bill Doggett
April 3, 1918- May 15, 2011
The Rev. Dr. John Nelson Doggett
This is an expansive Zoom recording RE-PRESENTATION of my Missouri History Museum 2022 Juneteenth celebration. I make interlinking connections from Juneteenth 1865 to my father’s 1954-64 Civil Rights Movement work in #losangeles to his St. Louis 1960s-70s to post #ferguson#socialjustice work in St Louis
Civil Rights: Rev.Dr.John N Doggett Jr-St Louis’ John Lewis-YouTube

St. Louis American
To read more on this extraordinary man click here.
#Juneteenth, #MissouriHistoryMuseum, #CivilRightsMovement, #LosAngeles, #StLouis, #Ferguson, #socialjustice #Doggett