Journey Against Domestic and Sexual Abuse, known as JADASA, is facing a $25,000 funding cut from the county for the new year, affecting their ability to help hundreds of families in abusive relationships.
Affectionately known as JADASA for short, Journey Against Domestic and Sexual Abuse has been handed an unwelcome New Year’s announcement. An announcement that could affect hundreds of families that they serve every day.
They received a letter from county executive Sam Page, stating in December that they would be granted $25,000, from federal funds. Then later, the County’s budget had to make some drastic cuts.
Moreover, according to what I have read from KSDK New 5, the cuts total 15 million dollars. And it includes all American Rescue Plan Act funding, except public safety.
Furthermore, JADASA is not the only organization in North County to feel the deprivation. Many other organizations could use that money to start the year.
Not to mention, the many women and families that are involved in abusive relationships, and will require help from these Federal funds. While the county reviews the situation, let’s learn more about JADASA, in the hope that someone can lend a helping hand.
Thumbnail image courtesy of JADASA
Contact Us
P.O. Box 2636
Florissant, MO 63032
314-269-0100 office
or 1-800-292-2145
JADASA is a 501c3 community-based nonprofit that provides anti-violence education, workshops, and services to women, girls, and their families.
It supports women and girls who have survived, are experiencing, or have witnessed intimate partner (domestic/sexual) or family violence.
Domestic violence is when a person aims to control their partner through physical, sexual, or emotional abuse.
Domestic violence is “a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain control over another intimate partner.”
Anonymous, confidential help available 24/7
National Domestic Violence Hotline
1-800-799-7233 (SAFE)
1-800-787-3224 (TTY)
To support this organization, click here.
Check back soon, for we will have more organizations that may be affected by the lack of Federal funding.