Affinia Healthcare adds pharmacy services at Ferguson Health Center, providing convenient access to medication for the community.

Gabriel Msengi, PharmD, Kenyatta Johnson, Pharmacy Director, and John-Michael Charles, PharmD, are three of the staff pharmacists with Affinia Healthcare. The health system is opening a new pharmacy at its Ferguson location at 3396 Pershall Road.
FERGUSON, MO– Affinia Healthcare is expanding the services offered at its newly opened health center in Ferguson with the opening of its new pharmacy. Pharmacy hours are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. The health center is located at 3396 Pershall Road (next door to the Emerson YMCA).
“Having access to medications is critical for our patients’ health and wellness,” said Kenyatta Johnson, Pharmacy Director. “Our Pharmacy team did a great job ensuring we met the necessary requirements to establish this service for our patients to help ensure they are able to continue the treatment prescribed by our doctors and clinicians.”
Prescriptions will be processed and filled at the Affinia Healthcare pharmacy at the Lemp Avenue location, then transported to Ferguson for the point-of-sale. A pharmacist will staff the Ferguson pharmacy during operating hours.
To schedule an appointment, call 314.814.8700.
About Affinia Healthcare
Affinia Healthcare is an award-winning, nationally accredited health center, providing affordable primary and preventive health care for St. Louis, Missouri, area residents. Affinia Healthcare is a community health center, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and is accredited through The Joint Commission and National Committee of Quality Assurance organizations. Established in 1906 as the Holy Cross Dispensary, Affinia Healthcare today serves over 43,700 people per year, of whom more than 90 percent have incomes under 100 percent of the federal poverty level. Approximately 70 percent of patients served are Black or African American, 11 percent are Hispanic/Latinx, and over 4,000 are un-housed.
The Affinia Healthcare Foundation depends on a wide array of funding sources and individual donor contributions to care for the most vulnerable and disenfranchised in our community. To make a donation to Affinia Healthcare, visit For more information about Affinia Healthcare, call 314-814-8700, or visit ###
MEDIA CONTACT: Sharifah Sims-Williams, Communications Director
(cell) 314-339-3183 Email:
#AffiniaHealthcare #PharmacyServices #CommunityHealth