Kariem Haqq, is a member of St. Louis Black Chambers of Commerce, and he is always sending me insightful information to post on the site. Just so happen, I just found this very inspiring message from his organization, and I thought I share it with you.
The Day Of Jubilee:
Jubilee means a special anniversary. Synonyms of jubilee are commemoration, fest, fiesta, festival, and celebration. Day six of the 13th Amendment Freedom Week Celebration can be a mixture of picnics, bazaars, parades, music, singing (including long-forgotten abolitionists’ songs), plays, skits, other types of activities, etc. There can be displays of science projects, inventions, handmade items, paintings, and art.
There can be various sports and literary contests, corn-shucking bees, and prizes given to cattle and livestock best breeders. There can be singing contests, pageants, cooking contests, marching bands, ‘battle of the choirs,’ etc. There can be talent shows, fashion shows, and even rodeos for family entertainment, checkers, chess, dominoes, darts, billiards, and all sorts of games.
It is important that people skilled in handicrafts, trades, and agriculture be allowed to demonstrate their knowledge and skills (either by display or through competition). This is a time to be creative and have fun. Preferably, it should be non-alcoholic and drug-free. No particular region of the country is expected to engage in every event that can be done. Some events will depend on the time, place, climate, or other circumstances in which the celebration takes place.
This day can also be a fundraising opportunity for one’s favorite charity, cause, or scholarship award. It can include a rally around a good cause but never a protest event. The 13th Amendment Freedom Movement is NOT a protest movement but a proactive one!
“Celebrate Freedom! Independence has borders,
Freedom has some constraints but no borders.
Freedom is Universal!”
A little about “The Movement”
The 13th Amendment Freedom Movement promotes the celebration of Freedom in the USA. The 13th Amendment Freedom Movement is highlighted in the 13th Amendment Freedom Week Manual, written by Kariem Abdul Haqq. This Manual lays out a week of activities that educates as well as celebrates the beginning of freedom for ALL law abiding American citizens. The 13th Amendment marks the first time in American history that ALL (law-abiding) Americans were legally free. This organization was founded by Kariem 2009. Since them the organization has had various events and meetings that focus on what this means to Americans.
Educate while we celebrate!
Every year the 13th Amendment Freedom Week Movement hosts a special program on the Saturday closest to December 6th; the day the
13th Amendment was ratified.
The theme of the day is “Educate While
We Celebrate.” The Movement’s gala celebration will be held at the Jewel Event Center Located at 407 Dunn Rd, Florissant, MO 63031.
The celebration will include a panel discussion, food for purchase, entertainment, and vendors to mark the date that the 13th Amendment actually freed all slaves in America with the exception of the prison population.
Visit them at https://13thamendmentfreedomweek.com/