“Get the perfect abs without hitting the gym. Discover 9 daily habits that can help you achieve sexy abs.”
We all want them: Flat, toned, sexy abs. Taking a trip to the gym it’s easy to see that many of us are on a mission to improve our tummies. Luckily, lost abs can be found with a little bit of effort.
Black woman working out in the gym, courtesy of Blackdoctor.org
If you really want to strengthen your core—which will help flatten your belly and prevent low back pain—we have some great news: You can do it! However, it’s not just about hitting the gym. For sexy abs, you also need to:
9. Set Realistic Goals
Your favorite star’s or athlete’s abs are worth aiming for but don’t expect to mimic them. Your genes may play a role in your body’s shape. That’s no excuse to give up and head for the cookie jar, of course. Set realistic goals that are focused on your body, not on some perfect image.
For example: say you want to lose 1 inch around your waist within 30-45 days. Then you try it out and push your goal up the next time to lose another inch and another inch–you get the point.
You’ll wind up both firmer and happier.
8. Know Your Anatomy
Familiarize yourself with the muscle groups that make up your abdominal area. If you understand how the muscles work, it will be easier to use them properly when you exercise. Make sure that your abdominal workout includes exercises to work the internal and external obliques on the sides of your torso (side planks do this well) as well as exercises to work the rectus abdominis, which runs down the middle of your midsection and defines your six-pack (regular planks can help with this).
7. Brace Yourself
Learn to tighten that deep layer of abdominal muscle (transversus abdominis) as you move through everyday activities. Simply tighten your muscles as you walk, as you stand, when you sit–everywhere. It should feel like you are tightening a corset around your midsection. But don’t hold your breath! With this simple modification, any daily movement can become a core exercise that will help you get flat abs.
6. Stand Up!
Avoid long periods of sitting. Stand and contract those strong abdominal muscles when you are at work or when performing desk jobs at home. In addition, be aware of your posture when you stand. Good posture promotes a strong core and a strong core will promote better posture. It’s worth the small effort.
5. Do Stability Training
How do you turn a bicep exercise into a core workout? Add a stability challenge! Do the exercise in a standing position and add an unstable surface under your feet (for example, stand on a small ball and try to balance using your core (stomach muscles)). That way you have to brace your core and use your abdominal muscles to balance and stay upright while you work your arms. You can add this kind of balance challenge to any exercise. Use tools like a wobbleboard or a bosu to enhance your stability training.
4. Boost Your NEAT
Effective workouts are essential, but your random daily activities also play a huge role in how many calories you burn every day. Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) can help you to burn off excess belly fat. Make small changes to improve the number of calories you burn each day. For example, get up and walk for 10 minutes more while at work. Do the number of push-ups/crunches for what day it is, for example on January 20th, do 20 push-ups and 20 crunches, etc. But don’t compensate by eating more!
3. Drink Water
Stay hydrated to stay energized and active. You’ll also reduce belly bloat from water retention if you maintain a well-hydrated body. Skip the high-calorie sports drinks and sweetened drinks. Stick to homemade flavored water to keep your hydration habit cheap and healthy.
2. Pass Up Baked Goods
This is my rule to get (and keep) flat abs. I love baked goods but there’s nothing good about them as far as my abs are concerned. Cupcakes are awesome but they are bad for your belly. Baked treats often contain way too much sugar, tons of fat, and almost no nutritional value. Many packaged baked goods also contain trans fat. If you need dessert, have a small square of chocolate or a small scoop of ice cream. At least ice cream contains metabolism-boosting protein – which is essential for weight loss.
1. Tight May Be Right
Know your body type and pick out something that is tighter around the midsection so that it will be motivation for you to get there. Something with long, lean lines.
Remember that in order to get flat abs you need to combine a good diet with a good training program and good genes. No one has a perfect midsection, but you can make the most of what you have with smart lifestyle decisions.