Explore the complex world of plantation politics and the controversial role of the Negro Whisperer in this insightful political commentary.
Where and when will there be a concerted effort to bring about substantive and specific change through policy, advocacy and action for Black America? Sometimes as I look at statistical analysis of present and past conditions of the state of Black America, I don’t know if I’m reading something from 1950 or 2024. Which for sake of this writing call attention to years of benign neglect from the pulpits, City Halls, the State Capitol, Washington and otherwise impotent political engagement.
This is not a wholesale condemnation of the Black political body because there are bright, courageous, vibrant and unapologetic leaders among us and some vintage warriors and elders who still carry the mantle for community struggle. In a general, and collective sense it seems leadership and thus followers/supporters for the sake of being politically correct or blind loyalty are like sheep being led to slaughter refusing to challenge their political shepherds. It is said in our faith tradition,
“That God does not change the condition of man until he changes that which is in his/her heart”. Well until our hearts and minds are unapologetic in commitment to advancing a specific agenda to edify our community conditions and interests, the African-American community will continue to achieve pyrrhic, feel-good victories. The reality is those who’ve been charged with authority are failing us; slow to speak to issues of specific relevance and reluctant to put forth a vision and collective effort in advancing an specific agenda.
Black leadership seemingly tends to sit idly while the interest of every cause and people precedes the African-Americans. It is in my opinion, that it is unintelligent and traitorous to the interest of the African-American community to continue to allow anyone to let partisan division, dogmatic loyalties or affiliations take precedence over issues that specifically impact African-Americans.
Our issues and plight can’t be lost in a melting pot of a stew that we can’t appreciate the sweet ingredients of collective community success of our people. Our votes and support thus should be based on what and who best represents us, those who are committed to inclusion and the possibilities for our growth socially, politically and economically.
Our support of those desiring office must be qualified to the extent of their support to our needs. This requires a more independent thinking and advocacy that allows for more critical engagement of issues and advocacy. When I hear elected officials, pastors and common folk speak of being bound to the unholy matrimony of our people to a party and its platforms over our own independent platforms and interests, I think of a political plantation with slaves being content with scraps rationed out by an overseer.
When I hear someone espouse the description of what is a “Good Democrat” or “Good Republican” as it relates to African-Americans, I hear the words “That’s a good boy!” It is a mindset inconsistent with the mindsets of our most respected leaders, such as Frederick Douglas, Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, Dr. King, Elijah Muhammed, Stokely Carmichael and others who were clear in their leadership aims…the edification of our community by any and all means necessary.
We must be weary of the monolithic Negro Whisperer, that one person, group or organization that is passed off as the conduit of the masses of Black voices and votes. Time for us to politically grow up in 2024 and be independent thinkers with collective aims.
#PlantationPolitics, #NegroWhisperer, #Issuecrat