Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahhiym– special guest contributor
We as African-American, black people are being systematically strangled and buried under corruption. It is hard to breath without the necessary resources or tools to help yourself get from under the smothering weight of paperwork.
The Missouri Department of Corrections has been intentionally miscalculating prisoners sentences and illegally maintaining black people imprisonment. This has been happening more to black people in prison than Latino, European, or others.
Because whenever none black people point out there is a problem, it is immediately fixed by both the lawyers and courts in less than a year or two and they are immediately released. I was in prison on death row starting in 1991, for a murder it was proven I did not commit and in 2003.
I received a 15 year sentence for stupidly refusing to let prison guards handcuff me. On December 10, 2015 I was take off death row because evidence proved I had been beaten by police and force to confess to a murder I did not commit and had actually tried to stop.
The Attorney General’s Office (A.G.’s) was so pissed about the truth, that they ordered the Department Of Corrections to disregard all my 24 years time served from 1991 to 2015 and the A.G.’s are continuing to fight time credits in court.
In June of 2019, the Missouri Department of Corrections illegally denied me parole on the 15 year sentence case that ran from April 15, 2003 to completion on April 13, 2018. This means that due to the Attorney General’s Office orders that the Dept., of Correction ignored 24 years of time I served.
I was denied parole after my 15 year sentence had been served and completed. This is reminiscent of the times when President Roosevelt ignored the letters, from families, on debtor’s prisons set up by Southern Confederate Judges,
Prosecutors, and Sheriffs in prisons for profit scheme. When black men were perpetually incarcerated pass their sentence completion. If you keep ignoring it, you will be the next black person waking up in prison after your time is complete or for trying to vote in upcoming elections.
The Missouri Department Of Corrections has me calculated to serve 27 years on a 15 year sentence and I can almost hear them laughing about it. This case is being appealed In The Missouri Court Of Appeals Western District Case Number WD85087.
You can go to the Missouri Case Net website to see the facts for yourself or you can contact the Missouri Prison Reform, NAACP, MacArthur Justice Center and Arch City Defenders, for more information and details, on how to help stop modern day slavery in prisons for profit.
If you have anyone who is incarcerated, that wants to express their thoughts and opinion. Have them contact me at I am on JPAY!Editor….,22542901369/×480&gdfp_req=1&unviewed_position_start=1&output=vast&env=vp&impl=s&correlator=&plcmt=2&vpmute=1