His research and insights have been featured in many publications and organizations.
Strategies For A Happy, Active Life With Less Pain & More Fun Thru Your 50s, 60s, 70s and Beyond
Steven Conley, Power of Nature, Inc.’s pioneering leader & founder, is an activist and a expert in the area of grassroots urban wellness using botanicals.
Steven has become very skilled in the art of rapid pain relief, as well as helping others with breathing & sleep issues using ancient and emerging wellness systems.
He has studied & helped others in Asia, the Caribbean and throughout the U.S.A.
He is a committed lifelong learner. He has acquired knowledge on the ability of plants to solve an abundance of health problems, especially for people wanting to avoid taking medications for the rest of their lives and/or having unnecessary surgeries.
Steve has hundreds of testimonials from doing rapid pain relief sessions called “5 Minute Challenges”, “Plants vs Pain”. He envisions the creation of a grassroots urban wellness system based around controlled case studies, early education and community & home gardens.
Power of Nature
Providing Wellness Strategies for transitioning to a more herbal lifestyle. Acquire the knowledge to take less medications and avoid unnecessary surgeries for yourself, your family, friends and community
Private & Group Sessions(workshops & retreats)
Specializing In the areas of Pain, Breathing & Sleep
Also providing the best herbal solutions to support balance blood sugar, blood pressure, and create a better sex life.
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