November 21, 2022
For Immediate Release
Contact: Marquette S. Connor, Better Family Life, Inc., 314.367.3440, Ext 716;
St. Louis, MO – Healthy relationships, making responsible choices and sexual risk avoidance are some of the life impacting topics to be covered during the 14 th Annual Teen Empowerment Rally presented by the Youth Department of Better Family Life Inc.
The event is set for 10:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. this Wednesday, November 16, 2022 at Chaifetz Arena. The event is free and youth ages 12-18 are encouraged to attend.
The annual event serves as a motivational and enlightenment tool to help youth grasp the value of wise decision making, the importance of developing adaptable life skills and to be forward thinking in their minds about their futures during the precarious transition from teenagers to adulthood.
“It takes a village to raise a family, but the village has changed,” said Marquette S. Connor, Vice-President of Youth, Family, and Clinical services at Better Family Life Inc. “We need to restore that village. We’re part of the village that extends from the home.”
The BFL Youth Department engages youth and families through a variety of educational ventures in school, after school and out of school in St. Louis City, County and St. Clair and Madison County on the eastside. In addition to Wednesday’s rally, other youth focused programs include after school and in school programs, summer camp, nutritional food program, visual and performing arts, summer jobs and empowerment retreats.
Connor says the uniqueness of the empowerment rally is the support we receive from the administrative team, teachers and support staff at the schools BFL Youth works. “We have the buy-in from the schools for the 2,500+ students and staff to be there that day,” she said, adding that parents are invited to join their children at the event to learn what Better Family Life is all about.
The rally will feature a variety of entertainment such as local radio personalities, school marching bands, step teams, and other talented youth.
The Youth Department is one of the pillars of Better Family Life which also includes: Community Engagement, Cultural Arts, Workforce Development and Housing and Asset Development. Founded in 1983, Better Family Life is a 501(C)3 not-for-profit community development corporation based in St. Louis that works to stabilize inner city neighborhoods. Visit for more information about the scope of services and programs.,22542901369/×480&gdfp_req=1&unviewed_position_start=1&output=vast&env=vp&impl=s&correlator=&plcmt=2&vpmute=1