Eddie Hasan and Attorney Randall C. Cahill
The days of publishing the historic newspaper The Argus St. Louis are long gone for Eddie Hasan. Yet,it is still in the family, and it is apparent that Eddie Hasan, is still a force to be reckoned with.

A cancer survivor, who is now in remission, Mr. Hasan, celebrated his 77th birthday amongst family and friends, in St. Louis last night. Moreover, it was a well attended affair, with loving daughters, local dignitairies and other St. Louis’ great people.

The proud birthday DAD with his daughters.
In addition, there was a very special guest leader, who’d popped in, via video.
The Reverend Al Sharpton surprised his friend, and wanted to wish him a happy birthday. And to tell him what he meant to the world of publishing and community advocation.
Check out the video here:
Here is what Randall C. Cahill had to say on his Facebook post, during the party at Exodus Art Gallery: Pictured above
Super 77th birthday celebration for my friend and brother, Mr. Eddie Hasan. Spent a wonderful evening with his family and select friends, as we toasted this regal warrior and champion of the St. Louis activists’ community. While we laud and applaud the social celebrities, politicians and athletes, Brother Hasan’s bold moves and bravery delivered more than 2,000 well paying JOBS in the construction industry through the I-70 Shutdown. Just one of the many times he has stood up for the voiceless members of our community.
Instead of wasting time searching for “shiny rocks”, show some love to the real heroes in our community. Kudos and happy birthday wishes to a “true lion” in our mist!!
All images from Eddie Hasan’s Facebook page