Learn why having good manners and practicing gratitude through saying please and thank you are essential social skills that never go out of style.

“Please” and “thank you” are always in style and I plan to ensure they remain perpetually classic as a little black dress or a pair of sleek, black stilettos. I’m Linda Pritchard, principal consultant for Fundamentals by Linda Pritchard and am pleased to share, via the St. Louis Argus, my mission to bring out the innate excellence that exists in all people. I am a soft skills educator and have long promoted better behavior and polished, positive self-image.
Have you ever wondered, “Should I send a thank you note” or “how should I dress for an upcoming event”? Well, you no longer have to wonder; I will be your go-to source for your questions and all things etiquette, style and workplace readiness. This will be achieved via weekly “The Fundamentals of” articles and a soft-skills/etiquette column to address those persistent questions and my column “Please, Thank You and Should I”?. I will be covering entertaining and educational topics such as The Fundamentals of Dressing the Part, Business Etiquette, a Proper Apology and Dining In and out.
You may be wondering, what are soft skills and why do they matter? Soft skills are simply personal attributes that enable individuals to interact effectively and harmoniously with other people. Two key soft skills are manners and etiquette–manners represent your inner self, whereas etiquette is what and how you portray yourself to the public. One represents your way of acting, and the other is how you treat others. These soft skill cousins touch every aspect of our lives, and have been ingrained in most of our minds since we were children. They also enhance our personalities, make relationships smoother and increase confidence. We are all being observed and in this globalization era, you not only represent yourself and your family, but oftentimes your community and nation as well. A solid soft skill education assists with navigating this sometimes confusing life-maze.
I am so excited to share these tools and information that help us all conduct ourselves accordingly and, hopefully, pave the way for living a successful, timeless and intellectually curious life.
Linda Pritchard is a soft skills consultant, content writer, fashionista, lover of movies, books & chocolate. When she isn’t consulting, shopping or writing, she is aspiring to do and be better.
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#etiquette101 #mannersmatter #politebehavior