St. Louis has been identified as the most dangerous place to reside in currently, in the United States. Even if we don’t agree with this finding, we certainly can say that there are way too many murders in our community, often involving young people.
Often, young people express the feeling that life will be short, so why aspire for anything long- term but rather just try to enjoy things while they can.
Many senior citizens and other adults are afraid to leave their homes, especially in the evenings and at night. They are fearful that they may get accosted or become victims by being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Often, these are people who have invested their whole lives in attempting to make this a better community, and now, in their later years, they can’t even move around in the community for fear of getting killed.
Many people are reluctant to open businesses because they think they may become targets. Many businesses refuse to expand or locate in our community because of the potential of crime and murder.
We find ourselves too frequently blaming others for negative conditions and waiting for others to come to our rescue.
We cannot continue to stand on the sidelines and hope that things will magically improve without our involvement. We must become solutions oriented and not continue to be parts of the problem!
There are so many things that you as an individual can do, that won’t involve risking your life but may, in fact assist in saving one or more deserving souls.
The first thing that you must do is to make a conscious decision to help make things better in some way, yourself.
Sometimes you may decide to contribute your effort through organizations that are working on certain issues. You may contact us for assistance at or by email at Our phone number is 314-995-5013.
Dr. Brown is president of Grace Chapel Ministries and the retired board chairman of WORKNET, INC., an agency that helps the disabled find suitable employment.
For more information contact: Dr. Larry A. Brown