Please support this wonderful conference, I have compiled all the information needed for anyone who is interested in registration. In addition, there are volunteering slots, as well as sponsorship opportunities available, by clicking the link below.
We are so very excited to share the 5th Annual Elevate Conference! The theme this year: Building Wealth thru Education – School to Purpose Pipeline reflects the importance and urgency for our community’s children and youth.
MGC Elevate, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization!
The Elevate Conference will address education, financial literacy, restorative justice, and creating customized learning environments. The 2023 Elevate Conference will offer a platform that emphasizes collaboration, resource sharing, and expanding networks.
Who’s Our Audience? YOU ARE!
The Elevate Conference audience is everyone who has a vested interest in the lives of children and youth. Specifically, Educators, Financial Literacy Experts, Community Leaders, Community Advocates, and Community-based Organizations, Financial Institutions (banks, credit unions, etc.), trades and vocational educators, and parents.
Harris-Stowe State University
October 6, 2023 | 9:00am – 3:00pm
The mission of the Elevate Conference is to create a platform that offers the community, and the region, an opportunity to share and receive information, expand networks, share resources, and create strategies that are solutions-focused for the problems that are pervasive to underserved communities.
Conference Highlights…
Moderator: Dr. Marty K. Casey, CEO – UnGUN Institute
Keynote Speaker: Adam Layne, Treasurer – City of St. Louis
Presenters & Guest Speakers • PODs • Panelists • Resource Expo • Networking Breakfast • Lunch • Registration Swag Bags & Giveaways
Please register using the link below and join us for the 2023 Elevate Conference. Your participation and support will be the difference! Register click here!