Yet within weeks (days!), it’s over; we’ve failed yet again.
New Year’s resolutions are not the problem. It is that this brand new year still involves the same old you and me, with all our quirks and flaws. If you really want meaningful change in your life, you will need to move beyond wishful thinking to make choices that lead toward lasting transformation.
Process Your Past
Your mother’s drinking problem. The love that got away. The friend that betrayed you. Your divorce. Time may have moved you on physically, but did you ever give yourself a chance to get past your past? Our hurts can form habits and hang-ups are difficult to break away from.
Furthermore, past difficulties can leave an imprint on our sense of worth and value. And since we never rise above what we believe about ourselves, the past dictates our present and determines our future. This year, begin to process your past and give yourself a new future. Get help. Speak with a friend, or see a qualified therapist. It’s not too late.
Review Your Relationships
There’s an African Proverb that says; “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” We’re designed for meaningful relationships, and our lives are weaker without them. Review your relationships and consider how to make time to invest in and enjoy the relationships that encourage and inspire you to go far.
Take note of the toxic relationships, too. The “friends” who put you down, the people who manipulate you and use you. It might be time to walk away.
Listen to Your Body
A few years ago, I noticed that each time I visited a doctor with varied minor ailments, they mentioned two things: stress and weight gain. After 8 months, I realized I needed to listen to what my body was trying to say, including the need to take my doctor’s advice.
If your body could have a conversation with you, what would it say? Would it tell you how neglected it feels? That anxiety keeps it up at night, and leaves it exhausted in the morning. It might tell you it needs more water, nutritious meals, and regular exercise. Listen to your body, and show it some love. And maybe a medical appointment.
Invest In Learning Something New
Learning is a catalyst for growth and opportunity – so make a plan to invest in learning new information or gaining new
perspectives this year.
It might be a return to academic study, a new podcast, or a visit to the library. It could be a course that creates possibilities for career advancement. Also, let your learning lead you to new voices. New people and places can inform you at a more personal level. Spend time in different parts of your town or city. Build genuine relationships with people from different cultures, ethnicities, and economic backgrounds. Listen and learn. Our world needs that right now.
Handle Your Business
This section doesn’t feel sexy or inspiring, but it’s necessary. Handle the unglamorous everyday things that make your life work. Take a long hard look at your bank balance and your financial habits. Pay your bills.
Make a plan for your debt. If you don’t have a will, make one. Handle the things you wish someone else would handle for you but are actually your responsibility. Yes, we all need a day like “Parks and Recreation’s” Donna and Tom to ‘Treat Yo’ Self’. Just make sure you Handle Yo’ Business, too.
Discover What Makes You Feel Alive.
Life is challenging, but it’s also inspiring. Mundane at times, yet achingly beautiful. And you get to live it. There are the inevitable days when you’re surviving not thriving. But, take some time to discover what makes you feel alive – and do something about it. Volunteer at a shelter or mentor a young person. Enjoy art in all its forms, and take up a sport. Enjoy nature. Create a magnificent meal for your loved ones. Allow curiosity to lead you to explore your purpose. You have skills and abilities and passions that can help other people flourish. Make your contribution.
Break Up with Perfectionism
The dream of who we long to be often stays a dream because we expect perfection. We silence our goals because we feel if we can’t be perfect, it’s not worth trying.
Moving forward, it’s essential you know that perfectionism is not your friend; it’s the enemy of the life you were made for. So, this year, break up with perfectionism and take your life back.
Instead of trying to prove your worth and perform your value, practice your dreams and goals in small ways. As with any practice (like music scales, or training for a 5k) you have good, bad, and ugly days, but if you keep at it, eventually you get stronger.